My first hospital experience took place when I was still in K school. I only remember that was because my pee was not normal. Namely, its color wasn't transparent or yellow, but looked like cranberry juice. I didn’t feel any pain or any discomfort. My parents somehow discovered such symptom and took me to see doctor at a clinic affiliated with my dad’s employer. Then, I was sent to hospital for few days, went through a surgery that I didn’t recall any discomfort before or after. Afterwards, I was discharged and went back home. Life was then resumed back to normal. Certainly, the color of my pee was no longer like cranberry juice again.
As far as I remember, I only remember few tip bits about the whole experience:
1. I remember that I got few new toys when I was in hospital bed. I don’t recall that I’d ever got few new toys in such a short period of time. One of the toys was some wooden widgets with holes and poles, etc that I could use to construct things.
2. I remember the first time of inhaling an anaesthetic, I just passed out in a snap after counting to ten along with the nurse while I looked up to her masked face under the bright light in surgery room.
3. I remember the first time I ate jello and ice-cream together as dessert in the hospital.
4. Lastly, the plastic ‘duck’ that was used for peeing in bed was new to me too.
To these days, I still don’t know what the exact cause of the problem was. I’ve never read the hospital discharge records. Well, that’s fine with me as I was 100% recovered.
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